Monday, May 31, 2010

WELL DONE! To all of the LiveFit athletes that raced on the weekend at the Shawnigan lake triathlons.
Lesely Hartford 1st (F40-49
Cam McDiarmid 3rd (M40-49)
Dale Mackie 4th (M40-49)
Helena Price 7th (F30-39)

Carlos Lesser 1st OVERALL
Scott Dagnoll 2nd OVERALL
Lowell Rockliffe 3rd (M20-24)
Jim Cambridge 3rd (M 54-59)
Andrew Hall 5th (M20-24)
Kirsten Dibblee 5th (F30-34)
Jim Broere 6th (M45-49)

Karyn Anderson 8th (F30-34)

This Sunday I want to have an short open water swim session followed by a transition practice. The time would be 8-9:30am @ Hampsterly beach (Elk Lake). The cost for the session is $20 and is guaranteed to make your transitions faster! Please let me know by Thursday pm if you are planning on attending as we will require at least 10 people to have the session run.
Remember to bring all of your transition stuff!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Where’s the sun?

For some folks May brings us towards the end of spring showers and that much closer to reliable sunny weather. Those that is, that don’t live in Victoria, B.C. that is! We haven’t had a great start to spring yet, although, here’s hoping it is just around the corner!

Over the May long weekend, LiveFit elite and age group athletes took to the chilly waters of Shawnigan Lake in preparation for the triseries Shawnigan Lake Triathlon race coming up this weekend. The course starts off in beautiful Shawnigan lake which is located here on Vancouver Island and, interestingly enough, is fed by the run off of Mount Baker, in Washington State. Apparently Washington State has yet to see the sun this summer as the lake was still extremely chilly! The bike course is a loop circuit around the lake and the number of loops depend on whether athletes are racing the Sprint, Olympic or Half-Ironman distance.

LiveFit athletes participating this weekend are Leslie Hartford, Mike Hucal, Jim Cambridge, Jim Brore, Cam McDiarmid, Dale Mackie, Helena Price, Carlos Lesser, Scott Dagnall, Andrew Hall, Lowell Rocliffe, Karyn Anderson, Kirsten Dibblee, Joyce Metcalfe, and coach Kelly Guest.

Carlos Lesser, a LiveFit athlete from Cancun who is living and training in Victoria, will be taking on LiveFit head coach Kelly Guest in a little friendly competition in the Olympic Distance race. Rumour has it that the runner up treats the winner to a post race snack at the ColdStone Creamery… I am sure it’s just a rumour though!

Good luck to all LiveFit athletes!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sunday Technical Session

This past Sunday we had a solid group out for our technical swim and run session. We snapped some great video for analysis and were able to give instant feedback both in the pool and out on the field. I think everyone was able to take away some great feedback..and hopefully they don't mind us picking apart their technique.

We are coming up to the first major triathlon of the season, the Subaru Shawnigan Lake triathlon. We have athletes competing in both the Olympic and the Half-Iron distance and should be a really good turnout and hope the weather is nice.

I thought I would share this video for those that have not seen it. It is of the first few runners at approximately Mile 17 of this years Boston Marathon. Notice their foot strike and body position. Their foot plants directly under the body and they have a slight lean forward. If you also notice the level of the fence and their head height there is very little pop up or collapse down.

Elite Men in the 2010 Boston Marathon - Super Slow Motion from Runblogger on Vimeo.

Video clip of elite males running near mile 17 of the 2010 Boston Marathon. Runners in order on video are: 1. Robert Kiprono Cheruiyot, 2. Deriba Merga, 3. Tekeste Kebede, 4. Moses Kigen Kipkosgei (red/green singlet); 5. Abderrahim Goumri (purple singlet w/ yellow stripe), and 6. Mebrahtom Keflezighi. Video was filmed at 300fps with a Casio EX-F1 digital camera and slowed down in Virtualdub to play back a rate of 10fps. Video courtesy of